Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mitt Romney -- the Vanilla Republican (ContributorNetwork)

COMMENTARY | Mitt Romney has won the second Republican vote of the year by coming out on top in the New Hampshire primary, according to Fox News. Romney started as an early front-runner and has stayed on top. Republicans are starting to remind me of the last person I ever want to see in a Baskin-Robbins.

We have all seen a person who cannot make a decision at an ice cream shop. The majority of Republicans have been that person since early in 2011. They have looked over all of the candidates, just like the undecided person looking through the leaning glass at the different flavors.

We have been over Michele Bachmann (Tutti Fruity), Rick Perry (Nutragious including almonds, pistachios and ?), Rick Santorum (Neapolitan) and Herman Cain (Harass-Mint). We have passed on all of these but are still considering Jon Huntsman (Rocky Road) and Ron Paul (Butter Pecan). Of course, there is still Romney (Vanilla).

How many times have we seen that person in Baskin-Robbins or a similar location go back and forth only to order vanilla? We made it through the debates, the Iowa caucus and the New Hampshire primary and Republicans are still sticking with Romney. All of the pomp and circumstance of three-ring circus and we still come back to Romney.

As a political scientist, I understand why Romney has stayed on top and will continue to stay on top. Even in the age of the tea party and other extreme political groups, people still feel more comfortable with moderate politicians. Romney is the most moderate of the field and can feed into one major concern people have about the government.

When President Barack Obama ran in 2008, he claimed to be the politician who would bridge the gap between the two parties. He would usher in a new era of bipartisanship and make sure American needs were placed before those of the party. He has played as much of a blame game as the Republicans and has done as much (if not more than) anyone else to destroy any perceived bridges.

With Romney, we get a politician who has beliefs which would fit on either side of the aisle. He is closer to the middle where the higher percentage of voters is. While some of the other flavors might feed more to the Republican mindset, Romney fits the American mindset.


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