Friday, August 31, 2012

Here's how to honor Neil Armstrong

Nasa / EPA

See images from the career of astronaut and American hero Neil Armstrong.

By Alan Boyle

Friday morning's memorial service for first moonwalker Neil Armstrong, who passed away last weekend, is strictly private ? but his family has specified at least four ways that you can pay tribute to the man who took a giant leap into the cosmos.

First, about that private service: It's due to take place at a club in Cincinnati at 11 a.m. ET. Although admittance is by invitation only, media representatives were told where to gather and who'll be available for interviews. Among the VIPs are NASA Administrator Charles Bolden and Apollo 8 astronaut Bill Anders (who played a role in taking the famous "Earthrise" picture of our planet as seen from lunar orbit in 1968). U.S. Sen. Rob Portman, R-Ohio, is slated to give the eulogy.

NASA photographer Bill Ingalls will be taking pictures and posting them to the website that's been set up for the family to communicate with the public.

The folks handling the arrangements for the private service report today that "plans are under way to conduct a national service in Washington in the next two weeks" to celebrate Armstrong's life and legacy.?In accordance with President Barack Obama's proclamation, U.S. flags are to be flown at half-staff until sunset Friday as a mark of respect for Armstrong, who died at the age of 82 after suffering complications from heart surgery.

Also today, the family posted a statement about other ways to honor the man they've called a "reluctant American hero":

"To everyone who has so graciously remembered Neil Armstrong:

"The outpouring of condolences and kind wishes from around the world overwhelms us and we appreciate it more than words can express.

"Many have asked if a memorial has been designated. If anyone wishes to make a memorial in his name, we suggest, in lieu of flowers, memorials be sent to one of these worthy organizations:

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Neil Armstrong New Frontiers Initiative
PO Box 5202
Cincinnati, OH 45201-5202

Telluride Foundation
Neil Armstrong Scholarship Fund
620 E. Colorado, Suite 106
PO Box 4222
Telluride, CO 81435

The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Neil Armstrong Scholarship Fund
AIAA Foundation
1801 Alexander Bell Drive
Suite 500
Reston, VA 20191

"Thank you."

Matt Sullivan / Reuters

A portrait of Neil Armstrong is displayed during a public memorial service at the Armstrong Air and Space Museum in Wapakoneta, Ohio, on Wednesday. Armstrong was born in Wapakoneta in 1930. Hundreds gathered at the museum for Wednesday's service. More about the service from The Lima News.

Cincinnati's reported that Apollo 17 commander Gene Cernan and Apollo 13 commander Jim Lovell will be at Cincinnati Children's Hospital on Friday morning, in advance of the memorial service, to talk about the Neil Armstrong New Frontiers Initiative. The hospital says it hasn't yet decided upon the focus of the Armstrong fund ??but during Friday's visit, the astronauts reportedly will be joined by Shane DiGiovanna, a 14-year-old patient who has a rare tissue disease and received a cochlear implant that allows him to hear.

In addition to the three charities listed today, the family has made one other suggestion for honoring Armstrong. Remember? "Honor his example of service, accomplishment and modesty, and the next time you walk outside on a clear night and see the moon smiling down at you, think of Neil Armstrong and give him a wink."

Friday's moon is a good one to wink at: It's the second full moon in a calendar month, which is known as a "blue moon." The moon won't actually be blue, but if the skies are clear, it should be big and bright and shining all night. If the skies are cloudy, you can still click on over to's online blue-moon-viewing party and wink at the screen. Slooh will pay tribute to Armstrong by focusing remote-controlled telescopes on Tranquility Base and bringing some surprise guests on air.

Other tributes to Neil Armstrong:

  • Picturing Neil Armstrong: Joe Latrell tells me that his venture, Photos To Space, will launch a photo of Armstrong on a future memorial rocket flight. "If you would like to participate and send your photo too, just follow these steps: 1) Like us on Facebook. 2) Post your photo to our page. 3.) Share with your friends," he writes. "We'll send up every picture posted along with Neil's on our next flight. There is no charge. It's our way of paying homage to a really great man."
  • Back to the moon: Australian astronomy lecturer/writer Dave Reneke proposes that a monument to lunar explorers should be prepared for eventual delivery to the moon's Sea of Tranquility, where Apollo 11 landed in 1969. Reneke also suggests that some of Neil Armstrong's ashes could be interred on the moon. There's some precedent for that: A vial containing the cremated remains of space geologist Gene Shoemaker was placed on NASA's Lunar Prospector probe, which slammed into the moon in 1999.
  • What's in a name? There's already an Armstrong Crater on the moon, as well as an asteroid named Armstrong. Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson says the first crewed spacecraft to Mars should be named the "Armstrong."?That's not a bad idea, but there are other possibilities. The name could work as well for a lunar habitat (Armstrong Station?) or even for an Armstrong-class lunar lander (make sure the pilot has the option of taking manual control of the descent, as Neil did in 1969). And it's not too early to be thinking about a commemorative stamp set and/or coin to mark the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 landing in 2019. Got any ideas? Feel free to pass them along in your comments below.

More about moon memorials:

Alan Boyle is's science editor. Connect with the Cosmic Log community by "liking" the log's?Facebook page, following?@b0yle on Twitter?and adding the?Cosmic Log page?to your Google+ presence. To keep up with Cosmic Log as well as's other stories about science and space, sign up for the Tech & Science newsletter, delivered to your email in-box every weekday. You can also check out?"The Case for Pluto,"?my book about the controversial dwarf planet and the search for new worlds.


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Hollywood reacts to Eastwood's RNC chair chat

Mark Wilson / Getty Images

Actor Clint Eastwood spoke to a chair that served as a stand in for the president during the final day of the Republican National Convention.

By Alexis L. Loinaz, E! Online

Clint Eastwood caused a sensation with his surprise appearance at the Republican National Convention Thursday night.

But his head-scratching speech didn't seem to make everyone's day.

The Oscar winner took the stage in Tampa and began talking to an empty chair, pretending that an invisible Barack Obama was sitting there as he unloaded his frustrations about the president's policies and track record. (The chair even briefly spurred its own Twitter feed, which has since been taken down.)

Celebs quickly sounded off on the 82-year-old's ad-libbing spree, beginning with none other than the target of Eastwood's piercing barbs: President Obama himself.

Clint Eastwood to Republicans: "Make my day"

"This seat's taken," Obama tweeted shortly afterward and attached a photo showing the back of his noggin as he sat in a chair bearing the nameplate: "The President."

He wasn't the only one to weigh in on Eastwood's tirade.

Adam Levine: "Clint Eastwood has gone (expletive) nutterbutters yo."

Roger Ebert: "Clint, my hero, is coming across as sad and pathetic. He didn't need to do this to himself. It's unworthy of him."

Zachary Quinto: "Is clint eastwood meant to instill confidence in republicans?! I am legitimately scared of his talking to imaginary Obama."

Clint Eastwood endorses Mitt Romney for president

Simon Pegg: "Maybe Clint is a sleeper agent for the Democrats sent in under deep cover to make the Republicans look stupid. No wait, that's Romney."

Bill Maher: "Wow. Who knew Clint Eastwood was such a down the line rightwing (expletive)?"

Zach Braff: "Still can't tell if Clint was hallucinating or President is really invisible now."

Seth Myers: "When Clint woke up this morning he saw that Obama was gone from the chair...Or was he still there!?!?!"

George Takei: "Clint Eastwood's RNC speech was to imaginary Obama in an empty chair. I'm drafting a DNC speech to imaginary Romney in an empty factory."

Clint Eastwood is surprise speaker at the Republican National Convention

Roseanne Barr: "Clint eastwood is CRAY."

Mia Farrow: "What WAS that thing Clint Eastwood just did? How could they let it happen?"

Piers Morgan: " Still reeling from that #Clint performance - sooooooooo weird."

Patton Oswalt: "I love you, Clint. I always will. But you changed the theme of the RNC from "WE BUILT THIS" to "I CAN'T WATCH THIS".

Tom Brokaw: "Clint Eastwood became huge star as a man of few words As a surprise guest on the Tampa stage he had too many words (I say as a friend)."

Others, however, have come to Eastwood's defense.

Mitt Romney's campaign issued a statement that read: "Judging an American icon like Clint Eastwood through a typical political lens doesn't work. His ad-libbing was a break from all the political speeches, and the crowd enjoyed it. He rightly pointed out that 23 million Americans out of work or underemployed is a national disgrace and it's time for a change."

And during an appearance on "CBS This Morning" on Friday, Ann Romney pulled for the Hollywood legend, saying, "We appreciated Clint's support and he's a unique guy and he did a unique thing last night."

Um, unique indeed.

What did you think of the veteran actor's RNC speech? Share your comments on our Facebook page.

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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Minaj cancels UK festival show due to vocal cords

NEW YORK (AP) ? Nicki Minaj has canceled her appearance at this weekend's V Festival in the United Kingdom because of damage to her vocal cords.

Her representative says in an email that Minaj will have to back out of her shows on Saturday and Sunday because of "strained vocal cords."

Minaj performed a free concert in New York City on Wednesday, though she had been advised by her doctor to rest.

Her rep now says her voice is "worse," and that recent X-rays show that the singer-rapper must "rest her voice for a few days."

The two-day V Festival also features The Killers, David Guetta, LMFAO and The Stone Roses.

Minaj performed for more than two hours at her New York show. It featured Drake, Lil Wayne and Foxy Brown.


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Saturday, August 18, 2012

Ryan wraps up whirlwind first week as VP pick

Paul Ryan returned to the state where he was launched into the political stratosphere as Mitt Romney's running mate, telling Virginia: "It's not too late to get this right."

The anointment of Ryan, the wonkish House Budget Committee chairman, as Romney's number two lit a spark under the Republican campaign for the White House after attacks on Romney's business record began to show bruises.

And the Romney campaign said that since the seven-term Wisconsin congressman was unveiled as the Republican vice presidential candidate less than a week ago, it had raised $10 million.

Ryan, 42, has been scampering across the country, spreading the Romney-Ryan message to voters in battleground states from North Carolina to Ohio, from Iowa to Colorado.

"We've got to get this debt under control. We've got to cut spending," Ryan told about 2,500 people who filled a gymnasium at Deep Run High School in Glen Allen, a Richmond suburb.

"We have a big choice to make," he said about the November 6 election in which Romney is aiming to oust President Barack Obama from the White House, "and it's not too late to get this right."

On Saturday, Ryan heads to the biggest battleground of all, Florida, where he will be under pressure in a state with older voters worried about their secure retirement to explain his plan to cut costs by overhauling entitlements like Medicare.

Ryan's plan envisions parts of the government health care program for seniors converted to a voucher system that allows users to purchase insurance on the private market, where insurers can compete with the existing system.

He insists such competition would lower costs, and that the plan would cut billions of dollars in fraud and waste, while Democrats argue the plan would not keep up with rising expenses, leaving millions of seniors out of pocket.

"We want this debate on Medicare," Ryan told cheering supporters in Springfield, Virginia.

Senior groups have said they will protest Ryan's event in Florida, scheduled at The Villages private retirement community near Orlando, in one of the most tightly watched regions of the state.

Ryan has spent recent days getting acclimated to the media spotlight, amid a relentless focus on the man Romney has chosen to be his number two.

Late Friday, at the tail end of the weekly news cycle, Ryan released his tax returns for the latest two years, showing he and his wife Janna paid a 15.9 percent tax rate in 2010 and a 20 percent rate last year.

The policy of releasing two years of tax data dovetails with Romney, whose refusal to divulge pre-2010 returns has dogged his campaign. Democrats say Romney's refusal to provide more records only raises questions about the candidate's business and financial history.

On Thursday, Romney said he paid a tax rate of at least 13 percent in each of the last 10 years; Obama's campaign demanded he prove it.

Romney and Ryan, who parted ways to cover more ground at campaign events, will join forces again on Monday, attending a town hall-style meeting in New Hampshire.

Ryan visited several states without Romney at his side as they prepare to head to the party's national convention in late August.

"I was surprised that they separated so quickly," said vice presidency expert Joel Goldstein, a professor at St. Louis University School of Law.

In Virginia, Ryan hammered the Obama administration as a bloated bureaucracy and pointed to US unemployment remaining above eight percent for the past 42 months, as he called on voters to "reject 'Obamanomics.'"

Ryan, a number-crunching congressional insider who has spent nearly half his life in Washington, has positioned himself as a fiscal problem solver who can also turn on his Midwestern charm to connect with everyday voters.

He spoke of previous visits to Virginia where he enjoyed "lots of hunting and fishing -- that's what I like to do."

With 81 days before the election, Ryan will be racing around the 10 or so battleground states where the election will be decided, eager to introduce himself to voters who may not know much about him or his budget plan.

"He's a new face on the national scene," Goldstein said. "The question will be whether he is viewed as an able and attractive national figure or an ideologue associated with attacks on popular programs."


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Lessons from Twitter revolt against insurance co.

A screen capture of Progressive's automated responses that set the social media world on fire.

By Bob Sullivan

In the ugly battle of Web users vs. insurance companies, a lot of blood was spilled this week.

We've known for a while that hell hath no fury like an Internet user scorned. But at the intersection of social media, consumer frustration, anxious lawyers and heavy-handed regulations you'll find a particularly tricky corner of the Web. Insurance firms, which have always been a magnet for complaints anyway, lie at precisely this crossroads.??

Increased competition has led insurers to employ high-profile marketing gimmicks, like geckos or touchdown dances, in an effort to become household names with friendly reputations. That means it's become necessary for them to establish a social media presence. Progressive's "Flo" character, for instance, has her own Facebook page, with hundreds of thousands of fans. But inviting social dialogue sometimes means inviting trouble, as Flo and her handlers found out the hard way this week.

Progressive encountered a Twitter revolt after the family of a woman killed in a car crash wrote a blog post criticizing the way the firm fought to avoid paying a claim. The post went viral, and the insurance giant then compounded its problems by spitting out automated tweets in response.

Experts who talked about the incident this week said Progressive fell into a trap that often catches large companies as they stumble around the social media world.

"The original response sounded genuine," said Jason Fall, a digital marketing consultant who helped health care firm Humana set up its social media program. "But the fact that they auto-responded the same statement to multiple people showed it was just a copy-and-paste job. More often than not, when that happens, it's not the technology that's to blame. You can blame it on the legal and compliance teams saying, 'You can say this and only this.' It makes you look cold and insensitive."

Both sides have willingly joined the insured-vs-insurers Internet fight.?Insurance firms increasingly use the Web as a weapon against fraud, while consumers band together to demand better service, or to appeal denials of coverage. Both can claim victories. There are plenty of stories?of insurance investigators who catch disability recipients bragging about completing triathlons on their Facebook pages or tweeting about a great trip to Paris while claiming depression. Meanwhile, earlier this month, a social media firestorm caused Aetna?to back down and agree to cover colon cancer treatment costs for an Arizona patient who'd already exceeded his lifetime cap. A flurry of angry tweets really can make a big company reverse course.

'Shame on you'
Fall said he's used to seeing nasty comments pile up on insurance company blogs, Facebook pages and in Twitter feeds.

"It does make me cringe, but I also think it comes with the territory," he said.

It doesn't take long to find cringe-worthy comments on insurance company social media sites. Even days after the initial Progressive firestorm, comments left on Progressive's otherwise happy "Flo the Progressive Girl" Facebook page were dominated by vitriol: "Shame on you," says one. "Has Flo ever wondered why Progressive tries to get killers off the hook?" says another. Many writers called on the actress who plays Flo to quit.

Flo's hardly alone, however. When American Medical News did a survey of health insurance Twitter accounts last year, it found a never-ending stream of complaints:

*"Dear Cigna: How about, for the new year, you do something radical - like processing claims without 500 phone calls from me?"

* "Dear Humana, you've ruined my day. Worse, my wife's day. Way to CYA. I'm paying you to cover mine."

*"@Anthemhealth, so far u didn't send me my ID cards ? kept me on hold for 25 mins and ur site isn't lettng me register. Nice service."

Insurance, necessarily, involves rejection.?When you are in the business of frequently disappointing people, and making sure your rejections are lawsuit-proof, it's nearly impossible to run a free-spirited social media shop. Rachel Poor, who runs the social media marketing firm Thread Communications, said all heavily regulated industries face the Progressive dilemma.

"I think social media is still a sort of an enigma (to them).?They all want to be there, they are told they should be there, but these companies are not used to people talking back to them in such a public forum," she said. "Ultimately, I think it will require insurance agencies to change the way they do business.?

Greg Matthews, a director at social media consulting agency WCG in Austin, said insurance companies often have to go into a Twitter or Facebook fight with one hand tied behind their backs.

"Particularly in health care or financial services, there are privacy-related issues that you just can't discuss," he said. For example, if a patient complains about an uncovered medical procedure, the insurance company can't publicly talk about the patient. "People want you to be transparent and authentic all the time, but you just can't. ... It can be terribly frustrating.?

Falls said companies he works with expect the occasional public flogging after turning on a Twitter account, and they manage to survive by planning ahead.

"The thing I've tried to do with any client opening up its customer service channels -- you have to have a crisis communications plan mixed with a customer service plan," he said.? "You have to anticipate what will happen. ... Companies that dive in without a plan of attack for those situations are finding it difficult."

No stiff upper lip?
Automatic and formulaic responses have gotten many companies through old-fashioned media crises, Falls said. For example, journalists are often tolerant of canned answers, he noted -- but they typically don't fly on social media. If a Twitter response doesn't sound like it's written by a real person in response to a real person, the company is likely going to take a hit to its reputation. On the other hand, when million-dollar settlements might be at stake, no insurance company lawyer is going to be comfortable with a social media employee free-lancing responses. So Falls suggests a middle path.

"You have to have a lawyer on staff who can be on call and help your social media team craft communications in crisis situations," he said. "When you have a big publicity problem, you have your legal team working hand-in-hand with PR. Why wouldn't you do the same thing in the social media world?"

In general, he recommends that firms post a detailed, formal response on a website, and instruct their social media writers to tweet or post links to it, while adding personal notes separately.?

There are challenges, however: Many lawyers and companies don't have the stiff upper lip needed to ride out a social media crisis.

"Any industry that's heavily regulated will always have a layer of legal and compliance teams that have to be trained, and have to buy in," he said. "It can be done with the right legal team. But if you have a team that constantly says ?no,? it'll never work."

Matthews said effective social media must also be fast, and that's often unfamiliar territory for insurance firms.

"It means really changing processes that companies use. Rather than convening the executive committee for two days to make a decision about things, boil it down to the two or three people who can actually make a decision in hours and not days," he said.

It also means knowing who the influencers are in certain topics ahead of time, and planning to engage those people immediately when a crisis hits.

"It's not that hard to know these days who are the folks likely to be influential in this conversation," Matthews said. "You know what the top 10 issues that you might face are, and you know who is likely to be the most influential when those stories break, the people who might take your side or be opposed. ... Ask yourself how do you engage them. What is the content you can bring to bear that articulates your position rather than letting the public run wild. You can never control the conversation, but you can make sure your side is heard."

Finally, and most important, companies have to actually deliver on their promises, perhaps in a way they never have before, Matthews said. If a Twitter user complains and is asked to call customer service by a social media worker, that customer service experience had better be positive, Matthews warns. Otherwise, the angry consumer will have heavy new ammunition for waging a social media war.

"It really helps you find your skeletons in the closet," he said. "You have to have a mindset that you are grateful your customers are telling you what you are doing wrong, and you have the opportunity a chance to fix it. I know a lot of companies, maybe most companies, don?t feel that way, but that?s the only way to be successful in social media.?

* Follow Bob Sullivan on Facebook.
* Follow Bob Sullivan on Twitter.?


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Green Blog: A 20-Year Low in U.S. Carbon Emissions

Energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in the United States from January through March were the lowest of any recorded for the first quarter of the year since 1992, the federal Energy Information Administration reports. The agency attributed the decline to a combination of three factors: a mild winter, reduced demand for gasoline and, most significantly, a drop in coal-fired electricity generation because of historically low natural gas prices. Whether emissions will continue to drop or begin to rise again, however, remains to be seen, experts said Friday.

?While this is a positive step, we shouldn?t just say, ?Oh, we?ve got plenty of natural gas, we can just switch to that, problem solved,? and move on,? said Jay Apt, the director of the Carnegie Mellon Electricity Industry Center, who was not involved in compiling the study.

Carbon dioxide emissions from energy consumption totaled 1.34 billion metric tons in the first quarter, down nearly 8 percent from a year earlier, the Energy Information Administration said.

Although natural gas is a more efficient fossil fuel than coal, burning it still produces carbon dioxide emissions. One of its strengths lies in that it produces more kilowatts of power than the equivalent amount of coal and it provides more energy for each carbon dioxide molecule emitted into the atmosphere. This so-called carbon efficiency is one of the key equations that scientists use to project carbon dioxide emissions, with more efficient energy sources contributing less to global warming than the more inefficient emitters.

Coal-fired electric power generation puts out about twice the amount of carbon dioxide ? around 2,000 pounds for every megawatt hour generated ? than natural gas-fired electric generation does. But that?s still about 1,100 pounds per megawatt hour of natural gas. Scientists suggest that the United States needs to reduce emissions to around 350 to 400 pounds per megawatt hour to stabilize atmospheric concentrations.

The extraction of large shale gas deposits in the Marcellus Shale has contributed to the rise of cheap natural gas, causing prices to decline over the past four years and making it a far cheaper option than burning coal. In 2005, coal accounted for half of all electricity generated in the country. But the embrace of natural gas, which now accounts for about 30 percent of electricity generation, has caused coal?s share to retreat to 34 percent, a 40-year record low.

Yet Michael Mann, a climate scientist who directs the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University, emphasized Friday that, in addition to carbon dioxide emissions, natural gas wells contribute to other ills. When shale gas is taken from the earth, researchers suggest, ?fugitive methane? ? a far potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide ? can escape into the atmospheres through fissures in the ground. ?We may be reducing our CO2 emissions, but it is possible that we?re actually increasing the greenhouse gas problem with methane emissions,? he said.

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, the means by which much of the cheap gas is acquired, also raises questions about potential environmental impacts like groundwater contamination, critics say.

Of course, wind and solar energy greatly outperform any fossil fuel when it comes to efficiency. But last year those sectors supplied less than 5 percent of the nation?s electricity in 2011.

Dr. Apt is among those who believes that government intervention would be needed to cut emissions to acceptable levels. ?If we see more and more variability in the climate, not just droughts but also more storms, there may very well emerge a consensus that we need to finally do something to stop this very dangerous unprecedented experiment that we?re doing on the planet,? he said.

?My fear is that if the U.S. is so laggard in greenhouse gas regulation that we will be buying technologies from abroad rather than selling them, as we did with clean air and water,? he said.


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Friday, August 17, 2012

No Comments - Real Estate Marketing - Pro Step Marketing

Denver NC ? 8/16/12 Pro Step Marketing, a real estate focused marketing design and implementation firm, developed a marketing strategy for Leah Mitchell Real Estate Services in San Bernardino and Riverside County, CA to assist distressed homeowners in finding comprehensive information to investigate options to avoid foreclosure. This strategy enables homeowners facing foreclosure to find options, such as short sales, to assist them in this difficult time.

Those who visit the Leah Mitchell Real Estate Services Team website at to Help Avoid Foreclosure in San Bernardino and Riverside County will find information regarding the short sale process as an option of avoiding foreclosure.? In addition, visitors will find tools such as free reports, checklists and qualifying forms to help the seller during this process.? With a description of how the short sale process works, how it compares to a foreclosure, and how a homeowner may be able to qualify for a short sale, this plan allows distressed homeowners to evaluate all their options and know that there are experts in the San Bernardino and Riverside County area that can help them.

Pro Step Marketing,, led byTricia Andreassen is a leader in real estate marketing strategy field providing fully executed marketing plans for real estate professionals from print to web.? ?Many homeowners are hiding and not sharing that they are in trouble.? They are embarrassed and want to get information on their own terms?, says Andreassen.

For more information, visit or call 866-799-9888.



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The Right Reasons For Using An Autoresponder Service

If you?re into any kind of online business then you know how important email is because it helps you keep in touch with your customers and prospects. But using email marketing effectively involves many other factors that online businesses may not realize. In your opinion, how many visitors make a purchase the very first time they?re at your site? The answer is: Very few. They most likely are not completely comfortable and need time to think and make a decision. This highlights the importance of communicating via email. You can help them understand your product better, or get to know you better before they buy from you. But how can you do this in an effective way? The solution to this problem is using an autoresponder service. And an autoresponder is a software program that will automatically deliver your emails to your list of subscribers. In this article, we?ll take a look at how autoresponders are used to build a business and land more sales. It is very easy to get so used to being on the web that you can lose track of certain important things. It is the possibility for sudden change in some of the operating rules that can really throw you for a loop.

Certainly, taking something for granted can be a dangerous proposition since it can always change so as to be unrecognizable. Considering Instant Passive Profits review and other approaches, look at the big picture that includes both your business and the net environment. But ask your self the tough questions about longevity and any possibilities for future problems. But still, even with that said you should not be afraid to try something new, either.

When you start using an autoresponder service, you don?t have to worry about putting up sign-up forms on your site. In order to collect email addresses from your visitors, you need to have an opt-in form on your web page where people can subscribe to your list. You get ready made sign-up forms with your autoresponder service that you place on your website and start driving traffic to it. This is nothing but the HTML code for the form that you can copy and paste anywhere, be it the main page of your website or a simple squeeze page.

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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ask A Lesbian, Vol. 2 | Thought Catalog

These questions have been submitted to me from friends over the past year ? questions that they were afraid to ask any other person in the LGBTQ spectrum until I came along. My name is Alison, I am a queer woman living in Denver, and I want you to ask me the questions you?ve always been afraid to ask!

Disclaimer: This is an article written in a satirical manner, meant to entertain only. The opinions and views expressed are only that of the author ? nobody else. The author is in no way an expert, nor is she speaking for the entire LGTBQ community. If you have serious questions, including but not limited to gender heteronormativity, sexuality in general, or ways to assist in the LGBTQ community, please research organizations that are meant to answer those questions. If you have a story or experience that is different, please share in the comments below! Thank you!

My daughter experimented with a girl in college, and later in life told me that ?nobody in her generation has sex with just a guy or a girl.? Are we headed toward a society of everyone being bisexual?

Interesting choice of words from your daughter! There are a few facets that I believe play into this question. One of them is where you are and where your daughter is. I think that depending on your daughter?s environment and experiences, the crew she hangs with can make a difference on where she believes her sexuality lies. What I mean by that is that if she?s hanging out with people who truly believe that nobody has intercourse with just one sex, and that?s the attitude they put out there, then she may be able to feed into her sexual curiosity and be very okay with it. It?s rare to find a crew of people who have intensely different views on sexuality hanging out: say, a straight person who believes homosexuality is disgusting, a Gender Studies major who identifies as pansexual, and a man who believes polyamory is the only way to live ? therefore, your daughter has surrounded herself with people who she most likely shares those views (along with others!) with, and that?s great.

As so many lovely commenters responded to you in the post, I agree: sexuality is a spectrum. For many, it?s attraction versus orientation. I think it truly depends on where you happen to be on the spectrum, because people can cross lines. And, for me, before I came out, I was just pretty sure that I had fallen for one woman and one woman only. I thought that I was a straight girl attracted to one woman. As time passed and I learned that the things I loved about being with my girlfriend were in fact things I loved about being with a woman in general, my own truth changed for me. I now comfortably identify as lesbian, and find that is what works best for me.

Recently, I was at a baseball game with some friends from home. Per usual, they met my girlfriend and asked her the same questions that all of my friends who have met her asked: ?When did you come out?? ?What attracted you to Alison?? ?Did you ever like, try with men, though?? My favorite response to that last one was ?Yeah. And it was whatever. And then I was with a woman, and it felt right.? So, for your daughter, maybe being with both is normal and feels right for her. Also, also, also: I don?t think the need to identify with an exact title from a spectrum is necessary. If your daughter feels like she?s open to love and be loved and doesn?t care what she identifies as, then good for her! She?s comfortable in what she?s got going. Cheers to her.

Now, for the latter part ? are we headed toward a society of everyone being bisexual? In the words of a one miss Gaby Dunn: ?I. Wish.? But in all reality?probably not. Since (I believe) we?re all born not making the decision of our sexuality, falling on that spectrum probably won?t change in the future. Then again, I?m not a scientist. I do hope that tolerance begins to change, though. You seem lovely and supportive of your daughter and her decisions, and so no matter where she ends up in life, if she has children, she?ll most likely teach them that same love and tolerance (and so on).

If lesbians aren?t attracted to men, why do so many lesbians make themselves look like men? And why would they date other women that look like men, as well?

You are not the first person to ask this, nor are you odd for thinking it. When you?re outside of this, it might seem weird ? a woman wants to date a woman, yet that woman looks like a stereotypical man. What?s the point?

This smacks the nail of gender heteronormativity right on the head. Society tells us at the youngest of ages that pink is for girls, blue is for boys, and it only snowballs from there. From trucks and Barbies to baggier versus fitted jeans and everywhere in between, men become ?men? and women become ?women.? But what if you feel more comfortable as a man in a tighter-fitting shirt? And what if, as a woman, you wear your hair cropped short? You are immediately pigeonholed based on society?s decision that you are trying to be more masculine or feminine. I personally find comfort in dresses and skirts, yet I toy with the idea of cutting my hair short because I like change, and I think Audrey Hepburn did it right.

I asked my girlfriend this question, and she told me that she likes ?girls that look like girls.? This is frustrating in the same line, but on the opposite side of the coin. As a woman who dates women, she is also falling into gender heteronormativity, stating she likes women who are society?s standard of ?women.? Though I completely understand what she means, and she had said ?I can?t think of a different way to describe it. I like the look of what society calls a ?woman.??

What does it all mean? I believe that as an individual, we have certain traits that make us who we are. We don?t have control over those, though it seems like we do. If I shaved my head and wore cargo pants, that wouldn?t make me feel like ?me.? So who are we to say that a woman dressing in society?s standard of ?masculine? is wrong?

It all comes down to a matter of taste. A bisexual friend of mine likes to date men who are taller than her and stronger physically, and women who are shorter than her and really feminine. She said she never blurs those lines, because that is her attraction and that is her taste. As for me, I am pretty into girls who don?t give a what. My girlfriend dresses in her favorite clothes every day. She may not fit society?s stereotype of ?woman? to a tee, but she does have a huge rack, so there.

For the short answer: to each their own.

I?m a 19-year-old lesbian in my first serious relationship, going on one year. Any advice?

First: hurray! Congratulations on one year, that?s great. Second: I may not be the best person to ask! I?m only one year into being out and with my girlfriend. Therefore, I am a newbie. But, as a woman who has immersed herself as much as she can in this world as quickly as possible, I can try my best.

1 ? Be prepared. I say this because for me, as a woman who was in a relationship for around two years at your age, people are going to question you and your love. What makes you so sure about the person you?re with? Why aren?t you off having fun and dating around? You?re so young, how can you be so sure about your sexuality? Practice answering these. I know that sounds weird, but it feels good to be sure of yourself, which I?m sure you are! I used to be asked those questions when I was your age and in a LTR. Hilariously, my red flag of ?What?s your secret for staying together for so long when you?re so young? response of ?Umm, I don?t know, we just haven?t had a reason to break up? should have shut things down, but it didn?t, and I stayed there for years. Basically, if you and your partner are aware of your relationship and you wake up every morning in love (even if you?re angry/annoyed/stupefied with something they did the day before), you?re in the right place. So find a way to express that and you?re set.

2 ? Be aware. If you?re in this relationship for that crappy reason I stated above, or any others (Because why not? Because he/she/ze is loaded! Because they have great friends! ? These are reasons I?ve heard, eek!), then be aware of what you?re doing to yourself. I think number one is communication, communication, communication! Honesty is the best policy ? tell your lady what?s going on so she doesn?t feel like she?s figuring out a Rubik?s Cube when you two are together. And remember, relationships are 50/50. Always. No ifs, ands, or buts. If you feel like you?re giving too much or you?re not into it, then you need to reevaluate. In the queer relationships (well, and not queer, lezbehonest) I?ve seen around me, this is commonplace. People just draaaaaag it ouuuuuut, and I?ll never understand that. But! If you aren?t there, and you feel like the give and take is healthy and non-exhaustive, then good. That?s a good sign!

3 ? Be happy! Seriously, if you feel like you are spending your time right now with someone that is your best friend who?s also sexually fulfilling (this does NOT have to mean sex, mind you!), then you are in a great place that many people aren?t. You?ll have to deal with all of the regular things that relationships come with: jealousy, time management, clear communication, and baggage?but if you can make it through an average day with that person AND a smile on your face? Look at them right now and give them a high five. A good one ? the one where you stare at each other?s elbows as to ensure the hand connects in the best way possible. You two rock!?TC Mark

You should follow Thought Catalog on Twitter here.


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Family Traditions that DH wants to use in our house. | Step Talk

Marriage is all about blending traditions right?
Well, there's one tradition from the in-laws home that I
just will NOT blend into my home. I thought we had this
one put to bed years ago.

Out of the blue tonight, DH asks if we can, get this:
Put a TV in the dining room so that we can bring in
one of his 'family traditions' into our family.

Uh, hell to the NAH! I do NOT put TVs in my dining room
so that my kids will zone out like zombies watching the
boob tube during family dinners! Are you KIDDING ME!

Just because that's how FIL did it, and allows SS10 to
do so while he is on vacation, does not mean that DH's
nostalgia is gonna suddenly soften my heart.

I just said No.

What I wanted to say: How about we work up to actually
teaching SS10 some serious table manners so that we can
work UP TO having family meals again? Let's get past that
HURDLE before you start wanting a TV in every single room.

I am not a fan of the boob tube. I don't watch alot of TV
and I limit the amount of time my kids watch it. They need
to play with friends, do something besides sit on their
hinies and zone out like zombies.

SIGH. Not winning this one DH. Oh no, not winning this one.


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Exclusive 'Seven Psychopaths' Character Poster Gets Passive Aggressive

Yesterday, the first trailer for Martin McDonagh's "In Bruges" follow-up, "Seven Psychopaths," debuted and revealed what kind of insanity is in store for us when the film opens nationwide on October 12, shortly after its premiere during TIFF's Midnight Madness. The preview did an excellent job filling us in on just exactly who the titular [...]


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Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Paul Ryan's Life In Pop Culture: A Timeline

First Gen X candidate in a presidential campaign was 11 years old when MTV launched.
By James Montgomery

Paul Ryan
Photo: Getty Images


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Madrid aiming to fend off Barcelona in Spain


Associated Press

Associated Press Sports

updated 9:14 a.m. ET Aug. 15, 2012

BARCELONA, Spain (AP) -After deposing Barcelona and sending its coach Pep Guardiola into early retirement, Jose Mourinho's Real Madrid now faces the challenge of defending its Spanish league crown while seeking that elusive 10th European Cup.

Mourinho was give two objectives when he joined Madrid: break Barcelona's domestic hegemony and return Madrid to the heights of European football with a first Champions League trophy since 2001.

One down, and one still to go after Madrid was knocked out in the Champions League semifinals last season.

Mourinho's biggest challenge during the upcoming Spanish league season that kicks off on Aug. 18 will be keeping his players focused on the weekly domestic grind and a title that Barcelona and the rampant Lionel Messi are eager to reclaim.

"I know that Madrid's fans are very passionate about the Champions League, but what we want to do is win titles," said Mourinho. "Barcelona didn't win last season, and we don't know what they will do now."

Madrid rolled through the domestic competition last season, including a rare win at Barcelona's Camp Nou stadium that decided the title race, by unleashing its attacking talent. Forward Cristiano Ronaldo scored a club record 46 times to help Madrid set an all-time record of 121 goals en route to winning its 32nd league title with 100 points, also a La Liga milestone.

"I think these are numbers to stay in the history for a long time," the Portuguese coach said. "But everybody knows it will be a close fight in between my team and the two best teams in the world, in a league where the other opponents are good."

After initially failing to better Barcelona with defensive tactics, Mourinho finally found the formula for turning Madrid into the attacking juggernaut that made it a winner, with his entire squad returning this season.

Behind its potent attack, Sergio Ramos has consolidated his position in the center of the defense as did Xabi Alonso in midfield, both having a more prominent role in Spain's Euro 2012 win than ever before.

"This team has been together for three years now and you can see that we know each other better, and that makes the team perform better," said Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas. "We are a much better team than two seasons ago, and what we want to do is surpass what we did last season."

Barcelona, meanwhile, will bring back the same squad that has enamored the world with its passing attack and slew of trophies over the last four seasons.

But the big question is whether Tito Vilanova, promoted from assistant to head coach to replace Guardiola, will be able to lead the team back to the top.

"He's a new coach even though he has been here with us these years," said Barcelona midfielder Andres Iniesta. "This club demands the maximum of each of us and this year will be no different. This club always demands victory."

New signing Jordi Alba will replace Eric Abidal, who is recovering from a liver transplant, at left back, giving the Catalan club arguably the most dangerous pair of full backs in Europe with Dani Alves on the right.

Messi, fresh off an unprecedented season of 73 goals in all competitions and a record 50 in league play, will again lead the team. And with striker David Villa set to return from a broken leg, the Argentina forward can hope to have more help sharing the scoring burden.

However, Barcelona's old guard of Carles Puyol (34) and Xavi Hernandez (32) are slowing and there are doubts over Abidal's ability to return.

"I want to keep on as always," said Xavi. "Physically I am fine and I will play as much as I can."

Madrid and Barcelona have split the last eight league titles- runner-up Barcelona finishing 30 points ahead of third-place Valencia in the last campaign - and this season should be no different given the ongoing financial problems of many of their challengers.

Spain's recession is adding to the pressure on many of its troubled football clubs. Malaga's Qatari owner Abdullah Bin Nasser Al-Thani poured more than ?200 million ($245 million) into the Costa del Sol side over the past two seasons, and the investment appeared to pay off with the team making its first Champions League appearance after finishing fourth last spring.

But the club has been mired in a financial and institutional crisis since then, and any thoughts of raising the bar and making a run at Madrid and Barcelona is out of the question after the club's sale of playmaker Santi Cazorla and striker Jose Rondon.

For the third year in a row, a Valencia side weighed down with debts and two football stadiums- one it can't sell and another it can't find the money to finish building - was forced to cash in on its best player in selling Alba to Barcelona.

Also, Deportivo La Coruna, champion in 2000, returns to the topflight after one season in the second division along with Celta and Valladolid.

While various clubs face a season of diminished expectations, Atletico Madrid and Athletic Bilbao are poised to move up the standings after respective fifth- and tenth-place finishes.

Atletico's Diego Simeone and Bilbao's Marcelo Bielsa are returning for a second season after impressive coaching starts. Now, both managers will be expected to have even better campaigns as the clubs shoot for a long-awaited top-four finish and Champions League berth.

Mourinho said that despite Madrid and Barcelona's dominance, the Spanish league is still the strongest in Europe.

"A beautiful league, because the teams are very technical, and that's the reason I'm in Spain," Mourinho said. "I want to be where the best league is."


Follow Joseph Wilson on Twitter at

? 2012 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Custom Internet Design and Online Promotion Go Hand-in-Hand ...

A lot of new on-line organization owners have misconceptions about custom web design. It really is not just about getting your website up and operating. It is about designing each aspect of your site ? each and every ?nook and cranny? ? to lead your guests towards the ultimate finish, a sale. No matter whether you program to build a service-oriented website or provide a lot of merchandise, your site?s design should have all the ingredients for good results from the very begin. Make certain the web designer you choose has an understanding of promotion together with custom internet style. Listed here are some attributes your web site should have to survive among the world wide web masses.

An Easily Recognized USP (Unique Promoting Proposition)

When a visitor arrives at any of one?s internet pages (not merely the homepage), he/she must comprehend what your site is all about quickly. You only have a split second to grab their interest. Be sure every internet page features a powerful keyword-rich headline which will preserve the visitor reading.

Graphics that Complement without Dominating the Net Pages

Every website wants a couple of graphics right here and there to create the internet style pleasing towards the eye, but be certain your graphic style and logo style tend not to dominate your pages. You would like guests to read your page, not look at your graphics. So, keep graphics to a minimum, and use them only once they help to create an even studying flow on the page. Many internet sites use a pleasant ?newsletter? style when there is significantly to read on a page, sprinkling graphics or pictures throughout the text in a wrap-around sense. For logo style, keep it small and easy. There?s nothing at all far more annoying than waiting on a page to load due to the fact its logo is as well big!

Keyword Rich Content material for Search engine marketing (Search engine optimization)

Be certain your designer understands about Search engine optimization and search phrases. Every single page of the internet site ought to be developed with search engine promotion in mind. This means gearing your meta tags, link text for pages or in menus, headlines, image ?alt text? contents, and so forth. to attract search engine targeted traffic for the long haul.

Easy-to-Use Navigation

Make certain the navigation in your web pages is easy to utilize. Many visitors won?t take the time to ?search? for hidden links or to browse through a confusing menu. If ordering custom internet style from a professional, write out on paper how you?d like your link method to flow from page to page. In case you have content, spot visible, colored hyperlinks inside the text to give guests an opportunity to click while reading. Have menu bars or links in the usual locations ? sidebars and top/bottom with the web page.

Promote your Website

Some design firms will provide promotion bonuses using a custom net design package. This advantages you because it helps you to acquire a head commence on developing traffic. It is possible to take advantage of the style firm?s skills and expertise about Net promotion and search engine optimization. Don?t forget to promote your internet site in every single way possible. Print your internet site address on business cards, newspaper advertisements, letterhead, and so on. Also, promote your internet site on the internet utilizing only targeted advertising.

Custom net design techniques and promotion are so tightly knit with each other that it?s impossible to separate the two. Make sure to include both within your custom net design plans so you are able to see constructive outcomes from the commence!

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