Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Apple Claims This Prototype Means It Didn't Copy Sony [Apple]

Last week, it came to light that Samsung was planning to attack Apple based on the fact that its iPhone design copied Sony products—and the evidence was convincing. But now the Verge has uncovered Apple's response, which suggests there were convincing iPhone prototypes kicking around well before the Sony-esque model was dreamt up. More »

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/gizmodo/full/~3/h0IBtJzbF1Y/apple-claims-this-prototype-means-it-didnt-copy-sony

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Source: http://ronalddavies.com/power-of-persuasion-conversational-hypnosis-mind-control-techniques-mind-control-tricks-subliminal-persuasion/

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How much cyber security is enough? Companies wary as Senate weighs bill.

The Senate on Monday takes up a cyber security bill affecting companies that own power systems, water facilities, and other critical infrastructure. Though new security standards would not be mandatory, the private sector remains cautious.

By Mark Clayton,?Staff writer / July 30, 2012

Cybersecurity legislation, stalled for months, is now moving forward in Congress, with the Senate poised to begin debate on whether the bill's voluntary standards for private industry will protect America from devastating cyberattacks or are still just too onerous.

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The Cybersecurity Act, as originally proposed by Sens. Joseph Lieberman (I) of Connecticut and Susan Collins (R) of Maine, was full of requirements that the private companies who own nearly all the nation's power systems, water treatment facilities, communications networks, and other critical infrastructure comply with new federal standards.

But Senator Lieberman and company last week axed the mandatory federal oversight, acknowledging they didn't have the votes to push it through. The revised bill now rests on voluntary standards and incentives to spur companies to partner with the government in meeting them.

On that basis, the bill won a critical Senate procedural motion to proceed, 84 to 11, on July 26. Senate majority leader Harry Reid (D) of Nevada also promised at that time to include an open process for amendments.

?There?s plenty of room for changes,? Senator Reid said on the Senate floor that day. ?Let?s have as many amendments as people feel appropriate.?

Many now expect a blizzard of amendments throughout the week. Businesses favor a different Senate bill, backed by Sen. John McCain (R) of Arizona, that's heavy on information-sharing and light on standards. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison (R) of Texas said last week she planned to put forward the entire McCain-backed Secure It Act plan as an amendment.

Sen. Al Franken (D) of Minnesota has said he will introduce amendments to strengthen privacy protections. Sen. Ron Wyden (D) of Oregon wants an amendment to require police to obtain a warrant before requesting location data from private cellphones or laptop computers. Business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, were also reportedly weighing whether to try to seek amendments to the Lieberman bill on grounds that the measure would mean too much information-sharing.

?While this sounds appealing on its face, a government-administered program would shift during the implementation phase from being standards based and flexible in concept to being overly prescriptive in practice,? Ann Beauchesne, the Chamber of Commerce?s vice president of national security and emergency preparedness, said in a statement, according to the Washington Post.

Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/g7c4ZdqsWY0/How-much-cyber-security-is-enough-Companies-wary-as-Senate-weighs-bill

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'Weeds' finale to air Sept. 16; 'Big C' to wrap

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) ? The end is near for Showtime's "Weeds" and "The Big C."

The cable channel said Monday that the series finale of "Weeds," the drug comedy starring Mary-Louise Parker, will air Sept. 16. "The Big C," which stars Laura Linney as a woman facing cancer, will wrap its run with four one-hour episodes, Showtime said.

Air dates for the final "Big C" episodes were not announced.

Two Showtime dramas, "Homeland" and "Dexter," will begin their new seasons on Sept. 30, the channel told a meeting of the Television Critics Association.

On tap later this year on Showtime: a 10-part documentary titled "Oliver Stone's Untold History of the United States." Stone's take on American history will debut Nov. 12.

Source: http://news.yahoo.com/weeds-finale-air-sept-16-big-c-wrap-230842788.html

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Real Estate Advice That Property Tycoons Do Not Want You To ...

Purchasing property can be both frightening and thrilling. If you do not know what you are doing, there are many pitfalls that can end up causing you long-term problems. Avoid these mistakes by learning these tips below.

Once you have real estate, you can increase your investment by simply completing some repairs or remodeling projects. This way, you can have an investment return quickly, because the value of your property will go up. Sometimes your value will go up more than what you invested.

Determine your offer ahead of time. You already know what the asking price is, but having carefully considered your offer point will be beneficial. Getting help from your seller, you should come to terms on the final selling price that both of you are content with.

Educate yourself thoroughly on mortgage loan terms if you are in the market to purchase a home. Understanding how the mortgage term will affect your monthly mortgage payment, as well as how it will affect the total cost you will pay over the life of your loan, will help minimize later confusion.

When you are looking at purchasing a property, it is crucial that you hire a real estate agent with a good reputation. Find out more about the people you are thinking about working with by checking their credentials at the Better Business Bureau or online. Ask reliable friends and family to get an even better idea of who to trust.

Don?t make rash real estate decisions. Take your time and be realistic as you evaluate your options. Properties that fit your needs can sometimes be difficult to find.

Take time to measure a house you thinking about buying. Make sure your home?s square feet is listed correctly on the public record. If these numbers do not match up closely, you should not buy the property or go to the proper authority to have it fixed.

If you are able to pay a 20 percent down payment, you can avoid the monthly expense of private mortgage insurance. Otherwise you will be required to pay for private mortgage insurance. This can be a substantial increase in your monthly payment. Banks require it to ensure that you will make your payments on the mortgage.

If you are buying a home that has been through the foreclosure process, you may benefit from the advice of an attorney who specializes in real estate. Foreclosure transactions can get complicated, so it is wise to have access to a legal representative who can take care of your interests and concerns. This might end up being an investment rather than an expense.

Research rental properties. When purchasing a property to rent out, ensure you inspect at least two years worth of rental records. You need to make sure the seller is offering information that is both complete and accurate about the income potential of the property. The lender will also want proof of the property?s income before issuing a loan.

These tips can help you make the many decisions that will benefit you. You should use the tips to ensure that you make wise real estate investment choices. You will be able to purchase a home with confidence because you will know exactly what to do.

from your own site.

Source: http://www.abc-real-estate.com/2012/07/real-estate-advice-that-property-tycoons-do-not-want-you-to-know/

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Saturday, July 28, 2012

Fears grow over fate of Syrian city of Aleppo

People carry a body of a person killed in clashes in Aleppo, Syria, Friday, July 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Alberto Prieto)

People carry a body of a person killed in clashes in Aleppo, Syria, Friday, July 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Alberto Prieto)

Syrians hold anti-government protest in Aleppo, Syria, Friday, July 27, 2012. (AP Photo/Alberto Prieto)

(AP) ? International concern was mounting Friday over a potential massacre as Syrian troops bombarded the besieged city of Aleppo with artillery, strafed it with aircraft and reportedly pulled in major reinforcements ready to crush the outgunned rebels.

The battle is one of the most important of the 17-month-old uprising. With a population of about 3 million, Aleppo is Syria's largest city and commercial hub, a key pillar of support for President Bashar Assad's regime.

The rebels controlled several neighborhoods but were facing reports of troops and tanks massing outside the city. The nonstop fighting in Aleppo already has claimed the lives of at least 145 rebels and civilians in the last six days, according to the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay expressed "deep alarm," saying in a statement that the "reported build-up of forces in and around Aleppo, bodes ill for the people of that city ... it goes without saying, that the increasing use of heavy weapons, tanks, attack helicopters and ? reportedly ? even jet fighters in urban areas has already caused many civilian casualties."

In at least two formerly rebel-held Syrian areas over the summer, Qubair and Houla, hundreds of civilians were killed after pro-regime militias moved in, according to activists.

It has been a difficult two weeks for the Syrian government with rebel assaults first on the capital, Damascus, and then on Aleppo, as well as several high-profile defections and a bomb that killed four top security officials.

The government, however, struck back and quashed the assault on the capital with a combination of heavy weapons and house-to-house searches. Scores of people were killed. Opposition activists said they expected similar tactics in the coming days to keep Aleppo from falling into rebel hands.

"I think there will be a huge massacre in Aleppo," said Michel Kilo, a veteran opposition figure living in exile in Paris. "There will be a terrible revenge against civil society." He said all of Aleppo, once believed to be a regime stronghold, was revolting against Assad's regime.

His concerns were echoed by British Foreign Secretary William Hague and U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, both of whom called on Assad to immediately halt the attack on Aleppo.

"I am deeply concerned by reports that the Syrian government is amassing its troops and tanks around Aleppo, and has already begun a vicious assault on the city and its civilians," Hague said, speaking at the opening of the Olympics in London. "This dire situation illustrates very strongly why the people of Syria needed the U.N. Security Council resolution we proposed last week."

Speaking at the same event, Ban added that "the violence from both sides must stop for the sake of the suffering civilians of Syria."

Western nations in the U.N. Security Council have been trying to pass a strong resolution condemning Syria and imposing harsher international sanctions. Russia and China have blocked them, citing concerns that such measures could pave the way for foreign military intervention ? as was the case in Libya.

The threat that Moammar Gadhafi's forces could retake the Libyan rebel stronghold of Benghazi in March 2011 resulted in a U.N.-mandated no-fly zone that opened the way for a vigorous NATO bombing campaign. Russia maintains that NATO overstepped its bounds and does not want that to happen in Syria too.

As a result, there is little the international community can do to help the rebels surrounded in Aleppo ? or in other Syrian cities like Hama, Homs, Deir al-Zour and Daraa, where bombardments and casualties are reported daily. Activists estimate more than 150 people are killed every day nationwide. July is set to become the bloodiest month of an uprising that activists say has claimed 19,000 lives since it began on March 2011.

Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia and Qatar are believed to be funding the rebels through Turkey and there have been indications that the ragtag rebel group called the Free Syrian Army is using better weapons and tactics, as seen by their tenacious hold on neighborhoods in Aleppo and other cities.

The former head of the U.N. observer mission said Friday that he expected the Assad regime to fall eventually, but that the aftermath could witness even more bloodshed.

"It's impossible to imagine a future in Syria where the current people in power remain in power. So in that view, it's just a matter of time before this regime collapses," Maj. Gen. Robert Mood said at a news conference in Oslo, Norway.

Mood, who left Damascus on July 19, warned that the regime still has a great deal of military muscle. The core of the army, which has vast reservoirs of weaponry, has remained loyal to Assad.

But the regime has been embarrassed by several high-ranking defections including three diplomats. On Friday, Ikhlas Bawadi became the first member of Syria's new parliament elected in May to defect.

"The violence being perpetrated by Bashar Assad's regime against innocent people who are seeking freedom is unacceptable," she told the Turkish Anadolu agency. "I could no longer tolerate the oppression, that's why I left. I will keep working to free all my friends from the oppression."

In Damascus, meanwhile, the International Committee of the Red Cross said it was temporarily moving some of its foreign staff to neighboring Lebanon. A Red Cross spokesman in Geneva, Hicham Hassan, said the move was prompted by security concerns but that a core team of about 50 staff would remain.

Hassan also told The Associated Press that the Syrian Arab Red Crescent was suspending some of its operations in the capital because of "the deteriorating security situation."

"This in no way means we are suspending our activities, especially at a time when needs are growing. ... They will go back to Damascus at the appropriate time."

Poland, meanwhile, announced that it had closed its embassy and evacuated its diplomats from Damascus. The Polish embassy had been representing U.S. interests in the Syria since the U.S. closed its own in February.


Associated Press writers John Heilprin in Geneva and Bassem Mroue and Zeina Karam in Beirut contributed to this report.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/cae69a7523db45408eeb2b3a98c0c9c5/Article_2012-07-27-Syria/id-7d5a8d4db1a9417b8095854918f507fd

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Friday, July 27, 2012

KL Conference on Islamic Finance 2012: Zakat: Charitable giving in ...

Muslim commitment and potential to support charitable causes in the UK should not be underestimated, says?Fadi Itani.

As the Islamic holy month of Ramadan commences, in this year from 21 July, millions of Muslims in the UK will be fulfilling a fundamental part of their faith by donating a proportion of their wealth to charitable causes around the world. The general concept of Zakat is well known, yet even among many Muslims the detail and intricacies of this spiritual act of giving are not fully understood.

Understanding Zakat

Zakat is the compulsory form of charity for all Muslims based on the amount of wealth they have held over an Islamic year (the Muslim calendar is based around the moon and lasts for either 354 or 355 days). For Muslims, Zakat is not simply a form of charitable giving but rather a means of achieving spiritual, moral and social objectives - a path to ?purification? of a donor?s wealth and a mechanism to redistribute income to the poorer elements of the Islamic economic system.

Each year, every Muslim is compelled to pay 2.5 percent of their wealth should they be in possession of the minimum amount of wealth on which Zakat is due (known in Islam as the nisab.)

Zakat is the third pillar of Islam and is closely aligned to the second pillar of Salat (prayer). It is a mandatory act of worship for Muslims and is considered both an obligation to God and an enshrined moral duty to the poor.

Common misconceptions

Zakat is commonly paid by Muslims during the holy month of Ramadan - the Islamic time of fasting and a period of intense spiritual reflection and worship. Zakat paid during Ramadan is believed to increase rewards given to the individual, as declared by the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

However, this standard practice by the majority of Muslims tends to counteract the true spirit of Zakat. When Zakat payment is due ? i.e. if an individual has been in ownership of the minimum ?Zakatable? wealth for one lunar year ? then it must be paid on time and not delayed, even if rewards for charity are increased during Ramadan.

Traditionally, Zakat distribution would not be concentrated in one period but rather spread over a length of time so that recipients could be supported throughout the year. The early history of Islam also indicates that the collection and distribution of Zakat would normally be dispersed regionally to beneficiaries in the same surroundings. Today, Zakat donations are commonly distributed to international causes such as poverty alleviation or helping people meet their basic needs.

Zakat contribution to global development

While data on Zakat flows is limited, attempts to chart the potential of this form of giving are emerging. Islamic financial analysts recently estimated that each year, somewhere between ?130bn and ?645bn are given as mandatory and voluntary donations across the Muslim world. At the low end of this estimate, this is 15 times more than global humanitarian aid contributions in 2011.

Several governments in the Muslim world have made efforts to centralise the management and distribution of Zakat donations. In Malaysia, a massive ?286m was collected in Zakat donations in 2010, while in Egypt the government estimated that ?480m was given to charity by Egyptians in 2009, enough to pull nearly all of Egypt?s poor out of poverty in strictly financial terms.

Shifting mindsets

At Zakat House, the UK?s first charity dedicated to the collection and distribution of Zakat funds, we are aiming to better inform Muslims on the objectives of Zakat and redress the flow of funds to under-resourced causes based in the UK. We believe that Zakat donations have huge, unfulfilled potential to make a greater difference to charities in the UK in line with the true teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

Our recently launched ?Just Zakat? campaign aims to alter donor perceptions of Zakat, and allows them to spread their Zakat over several worthy causes based in the UK and abroad in line with the categories of recipients entitled to receive it.

Currently, five charities make up our coalition of organisations eligible to receive funds under the Just Zakat banner, with two of these focused on providing services to beneficiaries in the UK.

Our website is growing and we are aiming for it to become an extensive resource base on the virtues and practical application of Zakat, as well as dispelling common myths and misconceptions associated with this religious concept of giving.

We are constantly on the look-out for other small and pioneering charities in the UK eligible to join and receive donations within our coalition group.

For more information about our campaign and to see how you can get involved, please visit the?Just Zakat website.

Fadi Itani?is the CEO of Zakat House a central collection organisation for Zakat in the UK.

(Civil Society.com / 26 July 2012)

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Source: http://www.islamic-finance-conference.net/2012/07/zakat-charitable-giving-in-islam.html

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Roche profits drop on one-off costs

FILE - In this June 6, 2011 file picture, the logo of Swiss drugmaker Roche is photographed in Rotkreuz, Switzerland. Roche Holding AG on Thursday, July 26, 2012 posted a 17 percent drop in first-half net profit from the same period a year, but its strong sales of cancer drugs and cost-cutting contributed to a rise in core operating profits and an outlook for continued sales growth that beat analysts' expections. (AP Photo/Keystone/Urs Flueeler, File)

FILE - In this June 6, 2011 file picture, the logo of Swiss drugmaker Roche is photographed in Rotkreuz, Switzerland. Roche Holding AG on Thursday, July 26, 2012 posted a 17 percent drop in first-half net profit from the same period a year, but its strong sales of cancer drugs and cost-cutting contributed to a rise in core operating profits and an outlook for continued sales growth that beat analysts' expections. (AP Photo/Keystone/Urs Flueeler, File)

(AP) ? One-off charges at Swiss drugmaker Roche Holding AG on Thursday pushed first-half net profits down 17 percent on the same time last year, but strong sales of cancer drugs and cost-cutting contributed to a rise in core operating figures.

The world's biggest manufacturer of cancer drugs, which reports earnings only every six months, said it expects group sales to grow by a low to mid-single digit rate provided exchange rates remain stable. It posted a drop in first-half profit to 4.26 billion Swiss francs ($4.3 billion), down from 5.15 billion francs in the comparable January-to-June period of 2011.

Roche said its net income also fell 14 percent, mainly due to one-off costs of 858 million francs from the closure of its Nutley, New Jersey, site, where Valium was developed. The former U.S. headquarters is to be closed by the end of 2013, in a money-saving consolidation of research and development programs that the company said would result in annual savings of 370 million francs a year.

The Basel, Switzerland-based company reported 530 million in additional global restructuring costs that result in part from putting a halt in May to its testing of dalcetrapib, an experimental cholesterol medicine that the company had hoped would help replace blockbusters such as Lipitor.

The drug was in expensive late-stage patient testing as a treatment to raise HDL, or so-called good cholesterol, in heart disease patients, but Roche said it decided to pull the plug on the recommendation of its independent data and safety monitoring board after an interim analysis found no "clinically meaningful" benefit.

But the drugmaker's core operating profit rose 7 percent in the first half of the year to 8.6 billion francs, and its first-half sales grew 3 percent to 22.4 billion francs ($22.55 billion). Those exceeded analysts' expectations for a 2.8 percent rise in core operating profit and 2 percent increase in sales growth.

The results were helped by the sales of established and new cancer drugs and recent cost-cutting drives.

The world's largest manufacturer of cancer drugs ? including its key drug Avastin for lung, brain and colorectal cancer ? benefits from having strong sellers whose patents are not due to expire soon. It posted the figures before the opening of the Zurich exchange. Its shares closed Wednesday at 167.90 francs ($169.03), up 4.81 percent since the start of the year, and were trading Thursday around the same level.

"Roche delivered strong operating results in the first half of 2012, driven by the solid performance of our existing portfolio as well as new product launches," Chief Executive Severin Schwan said. In a statement, he cited new cancer drugs Zelboraf, Erivedge and Perjeta and product pipeline with 72 new molecular entities in clinical development.

Schwan told reporters the company would look for small and medium-size acquisitions after the failure of its hostile bid for Illumina.

The company said it saw strong sales for cancer drugs such as Rituxan and Herceptin, which were overtaking sales of its best-selling Avastin after it lost approval in the U.S. for treating advanced breast cancer. Roche said its hepatitis drug Pegasys and rheumatoid arthritis treatment Actemra/RoActemra were doing well.

Roche also makes the influenza treatment Tamiflu, medical diagnostic tests, the Accu-Chek blood-sugar testing system, weight-loss drug Xenical and HIV medicine Fuzeon and Tarceva for pancreatic cancer.

About 1,000 jobs are to be lost in the United States, with those operations shifted to Basel and Schlieren, Switzerland, and to Penzberg, Germany. The company expects the consolidation to result in about 80 more jobs in Switzerland and Germany.

In 2011, Roche said it had more than 80,000 employees worldwide, more than a quarter of them in the United States.

Associated Press

Source: http://hosted2.ap.org/APDEFAULT/f70471f764144b2fab526d39972d37b3/Article_2012-07-26-EU-Switzerland-Earns-Roche/id-00677d8f1b2a4a3e89b184abd37ef74e

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Samsung?s Q2 2012 Earnings: Smartphone Business Propels $41.5B In Revenues, $5.9B In Profits

samsung_logo_crown-300x268Samsung has just reported its Q2 2012 earnings, and it would seem that the Korean electronics giant is still the king of mobile, with an operating profit of $5.9 billion for the period, up 79 percent year over year. Of course, the Galaxy S III and the Galaxy Note have plenty to do with that, considering the fact that Samsung predicted it would sell 10 million Galaxy S III units by July. And that's just what it did.

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/kV6D_aFxAhI/

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