Tuesday, December 18, 2012

What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every Day

What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every DayEach day, we make the same choice hundreds of times: whether to lie or tell the truth. It often happens without thinking, and we ignore the profound impact of these seemingly inconsequential decisions. Even the smallest lies can cost you money, impact your relationships, and affect your choices. Conversely, honesty offers many surprising psychological benefits. Here's how truth and lies affect your brain and your life every day.

Little Lies Can Cost You Money

What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every DayYou're out at a restaurant and your server comes by to ask you how you like your food. You say everything's great. The food is okay, but you don't want to be rude so you lie. It may not seem like a big deal, but when the check comes you'll be overly generous with your tip. This is one example of how white lies actually affect your behavior. Psychologist Guy Winch, writing for Psychology Today, explains:

[Researches Argo and Shiv] found that 85% of diners in restaurants admitted to telling white lies when their dining experiences were unsatisfactory (i.e., claiming all was well when it wasn't). However the real interesting finding was that diners who told white lies to cover up their dissatisfactions were then likely to leave bigger tips than those who did not. Why would diners who were less satisfied with their meals and who lied to their server about it leave an even bigger tip as a result? The researchers propose that cognitive dissonance was at play.

Conigitive dissonance describes the discomfort you feel when holding two (or more) conflicting thoughts, and it shows up a lot when you lie. In another study by Argo and Shiv, University students received a short list of words with which to form sentences. Some participants received lists containing basic words that had no real meaning behind them, but others received lists of words related to honesty. Then, the research assistant purposefully left the participants in the room with nothing to do for about 12 minutes just to annoy them. Upon returning, she asked some students how they felt. Most said "fine," which was obviously a lie because they were clearly annoyed.

After this initial test, the researchers invited the participants to a second study with a raffle prize of $100. They also asked the participants if they'd like to donate a portion of their winnings back to the study. Anyone primed to think about honesty and told a white lie in the first experiment offered up more than half their money (on average). Everyone else opted to donate about one third of their potential raffle winnings. Again, cognitive dissonance reared its head when the conflict of lying came to mind.

We ignore white lies because they seem harmless. They rarely resurface in conversation, but while their future effects are subtle they do exist in profound ways. As a result, it's necessary to look at the long term effects of our actions even when the consequences seem benign or even non-existent.

Lies Tax Your Brain, Cause Stress, and Harm Your Body

What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every DayLying requires a lot of effort. When you tell the truth, you simply remember what happens. When you lie you have to consider what you're trying to hide, figure out a believable version of the opposite, give a convincing performance to sell that lie, and then remember it for the rest of eternity so you never get caught. Even if you're pretending to love your grandmother's disgusting fruitcake, that's a lot of pressure. Furthermore, it builds and builds every time you lie. (And you all do, even if you don't think so.) According to deception expert Pamela Meyer, the average person lies three times within the first minute of meeting a stranger and between 10 and 200 times per day. We handle this constant lying well considering how remarkably often it occurs, but that's especially easy to do when we have an easy time ignoring the consequences.

Lies, just like many other things, cause stress and anxiety. If you need proof, consider the polygraph machine (what's come to be known as the "lie detector"). They don't actually detect lies, specifically, but rather the signs of stress that accompany telling them. While stress isn't a definitive indicator of lying, it's often a good clue. Author David Ropeik points to a study that found additional evidence:

Anita Kelly and LiJuan Wang of Notre Dame recruited a group of 110 people from 18 to 71 years old, and told them that once a week for ten weeks they'd have to come in and, in a lie detector machine, report how many times in the previous week they had lied. But the group was divided in half. 55 of them got explicit instructions in how to avoid lying. (They could avoid telling the truth, or not answer, just not out and out confabulate.) The other group got no instructions, just the request to come in once a week and tell the truth about how many times they had lied last week.

Everybody lied less. But the group that had gotten advice on how to avoid lying reduced their fabrications far more. And in questionnaires, those who had lied less reported better mental and physical health. They reported improvements in their relationships, less trouble sleeping, less tension, fewer headaches, and fewer sore throats.

You probably know thatstress harms your brain and body in several horrible ways. Since lying contributes to your stress level and you do it many, many times per day, you need to consider the impact of your secrets. The harm isn't self-evident, but it readily exists in the numerous health issues you encounter in your daily life.

Sometimes Honesty Is Not Always the Best Policy

What Lying Actually Does to Your Brain and Body Every DayLife has no paradigms. Lying cause stress and other awful problems, but it's useful and even necessary at certain times. When lying assures your safety or honesty puts you in danger, you probably shouldn't choose the truth. Exceptions always exist, and regardless of our intentions we're not going become model truthtellers no matter how comfortable we feel. Generally speaking, honesty provides far more mental and physical health benefits than dishonesty. Nevertheless, we're complicated creatures. We make complicated decisions every day. We'll find reasons to lie that are necessary, but we'll naturally find more that aren't. Watch out for instances when you lie out of politeness and to preserve your own self-esteem. Think about the long-term effects and not how the lie will protect you, or someone else, in a particular moment. You can't always tell the truth, but the more you do the happier your brain and body will be.

Images by lineartestpilot (Shutterstock), OK-SANA (Shutterstock), Thirteen-Fifty (Shutterstock), Oxley, and Yes Royalty Free (Shutterstock).

Source: http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/lifehacker/full/~3/QFkmKWvX108/what-lying-actually-does-to-your-brain-and-body-every-day

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Monday, December 17, 2012

A Wolf's Heart

A Wolf's Heart

You are a wolf. You need a mate. You need to survive, thrive, and multiply. You need a pack of your own.


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Hormones from Livestock Operations May Skew Fish Gender

Baby fish exposed to hormone-laden manure from Indiana farms were much more likely to be male than those raised in uncontaminated water, according to new research

Rosy red minnows SOMETHING FISHY: Hormones from livestock operations may skew fish gender toward males. Image: Wikimedia Commons/Enziarro

Baby fish exposed to hormone-laden manure from Indiana farms were much more likely to be male than those raised in uncontaminated water, according to new research.

The findings add to evidence that farm runoff may alter fish hormones and affect their reproduction and development.

Purdue University researchers raised fathead minnow embryos in water taken from two Indiana streams that are contaminated with natural and synthetic hormones from manure spread on fields. The embryos turned out 60 percent male; fish typically are born with roughly equal numbers of males and females.

Over time this skewing toward male fish could ?drop fish populations,? said Maria Sepulveda, an assistant professor at Purdue?s department of forestry and natural resources and lead author of the study. She was quick to warn, however, that other factors ? water temperature, nutrients and pesticides ? also may influence fish gender.

Livestock excrete natural hormones ? estrogens and testosterones ? as well as synthetic ones used to bolster their growth. Depending on concentrations and fish sensitivity, these hormones and hormone mimics might impair wild fish reproduction or skew their sex ratios.

?This type of study was long overdue,? said Luke Iwanowicz, a research biologist with the U.S. Geological Survey who did not participate in the Purdue research. ?Anytime you see skewed sex ratios and population effects, it?s concerning.?

Hormones were found in 80 percent of the water samples taken at two agricultural streams in central Indiana, compared with no hormones at a nearby creek unexposed to manure runoff. The agricultural streams contained both natural and synthetic hormones.

?The maximum hormone loads (from the manure to the streams) are taking place during the spring, which coincides with fish spawning, hatching and developing,? the authors wrote in the study, which was published online in November in the journal Environmental Science and Technology.

The agricultural streams also had 50 percent less fish diversity and a 28 percent higher adult minnow death rate than the creek with no farm runoff, according to the study.

Sepulveda said the lack of diversity and death rates in the agricultural waterways were expected given the poorer water quality and habitat.

But the increased male birth rates were surprising, and fish sex ratios are ?too often overlooked,? said Thea Edwards, an assistant professor of biological sciences at Louisiana Tech University, ?especially since we?re seeing more and more manure runoff and hormones in the water.?

While 60 percent of the fish raised in the manure-tainted water were male, only 48 percent of those raised in the non-contaminated water were male. There were slightly more non-hormone contaminants, such as pesticides and nutrients, in the agricultural streams than in the uncontaminated creek, but it was not a significant difference.

Nevertheless, there are some limitations to the connection the scientists found to manure runoff. While the study focused on hormones, the interaction of all contaminants could be linked to birth rates and fish diversity, Sepulveda said. And fish could have moved in and out of the sites, so it is unclear how frequently they were exposed.

The water from the agricultural streams had more testosterone than estrogen but researchers cannot associate any class of hormones with a specific birth outcome or developmental effect, said Ed Orlando, an assistant professor in the department of animal and avian sciences at the University of Maryland.

However, previous research supports a possible connection between the high rate of male births and the contaminated water.

Source: http://rss.sciam.com/click.phdo?i=0697b08fb838b04869cb46e8d3b30e47

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Marcos Gurrola Arrested After Firing 50 Shots In California Mall Parking Lot

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. -- A man was arrested Saturday after firing about 50 shots in the parking lot of a Southern California shopping mall, prompting a lockdown of stores crowded with holiday shoppers.

Marcos Gurrola, 42, of Garden Grove was taken into custody by bicycle police officers patrolling around the open-air Fashion Island mall around 4:30 p.m., police spokeswoman Cathy Lowe said. She said he fired into the air and onto the ground in the parking lot near a Macy's department store.

No one was injured, but the gunfire caused panic, coming a day after a gunman killed 26 children and adults at a Connecticut elementary school, and days after a deadly mall shooting in Oregon.

The mall was crowded with holiday shoppers and the parking lot was full. Witnesses said they ran, screaming and ducking for cover.

"It's a miracle nobody got injured," said Sven Maric, who said he was celebrating his wife's birthday at a restaurant patio about 50 yards away. "The bullets had to land somewhere, and he shot so many."

Lowe says some stores voluntarily closed their doors and kept shoppers inside while police investigated.

Bret McGaughey, 22, of Laguna Beach, said he was with his mom in the Apple store when shoppers ran to the rear of the store as employees locked the front entrance. He estimated that up to 100 people stayed in the back of the store for about 30 minutes until Apple employees announced that police said it was safe to reopen the doors.

Gurrola was arrested for investigation of assault with a deadly weapon, Lowe said.

There was no telephone listing for Gurrola.

On Tuesday, a gunman at an Oregon shopping mall killed two people and wounded a third amid a holiday crowd estimated at 10,000 people.

Clackamas County authorities are still trying to determine why the gunman opened fire before killing himself.

The suburban Portland mall was closed for two days before reopening on Friday.

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Source: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/12/16/marcos-gurrola-arrested-_n_2309425.html

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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Black Friday & Cyber Monday PPC: How Did Retailers Prepare ...

Black Friday and Cyber Monday, often looked at by holiday enthusiasts as the official start of the retail holiday season, results in a great deal of advertising. With the conclusion of 2012 upon us, the holidays are the time of the year that can be deemed most stressful for everyone, including both the public and retailers alike.

An informative analysis of the holiday spending of various retailers in their efforts to cope with the madness of Black Friday and Cyber Monday shows some interesting and perhaps unexpected results regarding how they adjusted their expenditure and advertising in preparation for the commencement of the holiday season.

Fresh to one?s mind during the holiday season are stores such as Sears, the Home Shopping Network, Macy?s, Neiman Marcus, Godiva, The Container Store, and The Gilt Group. Many of these retailers are shopped both in-store and online.

Many things change prior to Black Friday and Cyber Monday including search engine traffic and the amount of money that retailers decide to spend on their PPC in preparation for the influx of shoppers, orders, and purchases that are expected. Many people have also begun to complete the majority of their shopping online for a variety of reasons, whether for the sheer convenience or to avoid the tumultuous, irritating crowds that disburse during the holiday season.

Number of Ads

Major holiday retailers such as Sears, HSN, Macy?s, and Neiman Marcus have all allocated a significant amount of their budget to Internet advertising, and the chart below displays the number of ads that are being employed for each merchant.


There was much fluctuation from 2008 until the present time however it can clearly be seen that Sears had been wavering more than anyone. Additionally, the number of ads for Sears went down significantly beginning around September of this year and continues to decrease (even though they have the most ads with 54.6 percent), so they obviously did not increase any ad purchases for the holidays.

Macy?s, on the other hand, increased this fall, more specifically last month. All of the other retailers minimized their ads despite the presence of the holidays. Is it possible that they have looked into other methods in which to advertise their holiday sales?


Furthermore, the retailers Godiva, The Container Store, and Gilt have also seen some flux in the number of ads being presented to the public. Gilt in particular had a great deal of variation throughout the years but became a steadier this year and had their final decrease around October of 2012.

Both The Container Store and Godiva have progressive increases and decreases throughout the years, but they both increased their number of ads more recently. The Container Store?s ad growth was gradual, while Godiva had a sprightly and extremely significant upsurge in their ads right around the beginning of last month. Gilt is currently bidding on the most keywords among them, with 63.2 percent.

Number of Keywords

Similar to the number of ads, in evaluating the number of keywords being bid on by Sears, HSN, Macy?s, and Neiman Marcus, quite an interesting result surfaces.


It looks as though all of the retailers have augmented their bidding habits over time, however between October and November of this year decreased the quantity of keywords being bid on (although it is a very minimal decrease). This may be due, perhaps, to the realized success of certain keywords for the holiday season, so they have decided to maintain their strategy. Sears is bidding on the most keywords with 53.1 percent and Macy?s coming in next with 27.5 percent.


Comparatively, Godiva, The Container Store, and Gilt have quite the different story. Godiva hasn?t had that many keywords at all, and decreased what they did have around September of this year (they have obviously put a larger focus on ads).

The Container Store has varied in their number of keywords, while Gilt shows the biggest change of all. They went years only a few if any keywords, and expanded greatly around March of this year, increasing their keywords drastically, and the number has continued to rise ever since, specifically in November of this year for the looming holiday season.

Is it possible that based upon all of the above results that conceivably some retailers are looking to be more thrifty in their advertising budgets for the 2012 holiday season?

Keywords Directing the Most Traffic, November 2012

(excluding company names as keyword)

Typically certain keywords tend to drive more traffic than others do, and in following all of the sought out holiday retailers, it can be determined which keywords produce the most volume and traffic to their websites last month.


The most popular keywords for each retailer in November of 2012 varies in many ways including CPC, volume, traffic percentage, and number of results.

For instance, the Home Shopping Network?s top keyword is "shopnbc" (which just so happens to be one of their largest competitors, smart move) which has a CPC of $1.18, 246,000 searches per month, 3 million results, and consists of 7.06 percent of traffic to their website.

Surprisingly, Godiva?s top traffic keyword is "cake pops" (they sound tasty, and I?m guessing holiday-themed) with a CPC of $0.66, 90,500 searches per month, and 13.08 percent of traffic.

Neiman Marcus received 7.10 percent of traffic through the jewelry designer "david yurman", and Gilt received 5.11 percent of their traffic last month via the keyword "free people", while a clothing brand, also has a massive search result of over 5 billion likely due to its many possible interpretations.

Top Keyword Percentages by Retailer, November 2012

By analyzing the percentage of the budgets that these holiday-esque retailers are spending on specific keywords presents an in-depth look into what they were looking to accomplish with their Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2012 PPC efforts.


Rather than allocate a large portion of their budget to a single keyword, Sears instead extended their funds to many keywords, however the largest expenditure for a single keyword was for "Christmas Tree Shop" (which is also a store in itself and offers more than just Christmas items) with a whopping 3.51 percent and 1.25 CPC.

The Home Shopping Network is allocating 12.68 percent of their bidding budget to "shopnbc", which once again is a substantial competitor. Macy?s, similar to Sears, is disbursing their budget amongst many keywords while Godiva is spending quite a bit to bid on "chocolate", logically (11.06 percent) and "gift baskets" (9.79 percent), which have CPC?s of $2.45 and $4.84, and are extremely pricey.

Neiman Marcus is bidding mostly on the names of specific designers such as "stella mccartney" and "david yurman", which have significant CPCs of $1.94 and $1.08. The Container Store is playing it safe by bidding mostly on their own keyword, and the Gilt Group has taken the route of mostly bidding on their own keyword as well as that of a known designer whose focus is mainly on extremely pricey dresses (unless of course you find $6,000-$9,000 to be affordable).

In this example, both The Container Store and the Gilt Group are making a common mistake among advertisers; take into consideration: if your business has a name, which all do, it is likely that you are already ranking first for that keyword, right? So, many retailers don?t even realize that it isn?t necessary for them to purchase their own business name keyword since the customer already sees the name at the top of the results page. Retailers such as these may want to possibly re-think which keywords they are spending the most on!


Preparing for the holidays is a daunting task all-around, especially when it comes down to Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Retailers took different advertising routes in an attempt to accomplish their holiday goals.

Up next? It?s Free Shipping Day on December 17, where you can order online from participating retailers, receive free shipping, and still have your purchase delivered by Christmas Eve. How great does that sound?

Advertising endeavors for those retailers partaking in Free Shipping Day may be substantial or minimal, but holiday-hungry, at-home shoppers are likely to take advantage of such a deal.

With the holiday season officially in full-swing, there?s no telling what strategies retailers will use to make the most out of the few weeks that are left ? and we have to consider the after-holiday sales and merchandise returns.

Now stop procrastinating, finish that shopping, and enjoy the rest of the holidays.

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Source: http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2230661/Black-Friday-Cyber-Monday-PPC-How-Did-Retailers-Prepare

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Monday, December 10, 2012

New cars will have black boxes, White House says

All new vehicles have event data recorders, or 'black boxes', per a new mandate from the White House. The rule is raising questions over who owns the data, but black boxes in cars are really nothing new.?

By Kurt Ernst,?Guest blogger / December 8, 2012

This 2011 file photo shows a totaled Ford in Holden, Mass. The White House has approved regulations requiring auto manufacturers include event data recorders, better known as "black boxes," in all new cars and light trucks. Data collected by the recorders is increasingly showing up in lawsuits, criminal cases and high-profile accidents.

Tom Retting/The Telegram & Gazette/AP/File


The White House Office of Management has approved a request from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) to?mandate event data recorders, commonly referred to as ?black boxes,? in 100-percent of?new vehicles?sold.

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In the very near future, then, the car you drive may monitor your every action behind the wheel, from speed to steering angle to brake pressure to whether or not you and your front seat passengers are buckled up.

If that makes you paranoid, this won?t help much: if you drive a newer?car, chances are there?s already some kind of black box logging your actions, something that most consumers are blissfully unaware of. Today,?The Detroit News?tells us, 91.6 percent of light-duty autos utilize black boxes, so the latest directive would merely take that to 100 percent.

Black boxes in automobiles are really nothing new. General Motors began capturing data as far back as 1990, and event data recorders became standard in GM products during the 1995 model year.Ford?uses them, as do?Toyota,?Tesla?and Mazda, but standardization of the data captured won?t occur until the 2013 model year.

Beginning with 2013 vehicles, the black boxes will measure 15 specific values in a common format, making it easier for first responders and crash investigators to access and interpret the data. Therein lies the concern of critics who oppose capturing such data: if it exists, what?s to stop insurance companies from subpoenaing the information to deny accident claims?

Expect ownership of the data to become a point of concern once the new regulations take effect. While we may be safe from law enforcement wirelessly accessing data from black boxes (for the near future, anyway), we know one thing for certain: insurance companies aren?t in the business of losing money, and if such data can be used to pad profits, chances are good?insurers will find a way to do so.?

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Source: http://rss.csmonitor.com/~r/feeds/csm/~3/8oEFBCoe8h0/New-cars-will-have-black-boxes-White-House-says

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Sunday, December 9, 2012

ColdFusion Job Opening - Clear Capital

ColdFusion Application Developer

Application link: http://ch.tbe.taleo.net/CH08/ats/careers/requisition.jsp?org=CLEARCAPITAL&cws=5&rid=149

Location: Lake Tahoe - Truckee CA

Relocation assistance

Does building rich internet, customer applications in a fast-paced environment with SCRUM methods excite you? Imagine living and working in Lake Tahoe where quality of life does not include smog, traffic and the hectic pace of a large city. We focus on building technology with a soul and a purpose. Every day, our developers create real-life solutions that touch real people-from brokers to bankers, asset managers to first-time home buyers. Our sophisticated, analytics-based Home Data Index Market Report is consistently reported on by numerous national news outlets like Bloomberg, CNBC, Fox Business, Forbes, MarketWatch, New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Reuters, to name a few.

Job Description

You are an experienced Applications Developer seeking to be an integral member of our development team. Your demonstrated proficiency with AJAX, jQuery, ColdFusion and/or J2EE web application development, will help us build new web applications from the ground up. You will be equally comfortable jumping into existing applications and pushing out a large volume of high quality code in a fast-paced, highly iterative environment. The ability and willingness to pick up new technologies quickly is essential.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities

Plan, develop, test, debug, implement, and support innovative web-based business applications Play a key role in product development, help shape direction of Clear Capital products and services Work effectively with all business units and work closely with project manager and other team members to meet deadlines and reach departmental goals Continually offer thought-leadership and dependable execution ability in a fast-paced environment

Our technologies: AJAX, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript (jQuery, jQuery UI, Knockout.js) ColdFusion 9.0, Java/J2EE, Oracle10g, PL/SQL, Subversion, SCRUM/Lean methods

Required Job Related Skills and Experience

Minimum of three (3) years of experience developing web applications Extensive experience with ColdFusion, Java, C# or any other widely used web application development language Stellar problem solving and coding skills Knowledge of SQL and relational database design Relentless self-learner who thrives in a dynamic, rapid-paced environment Strong verbal and written communication skills

Additional Qualifications

Bachelor's degree in computer science or related discipline is preferred. Familiarity with ColdFusion, Oracle, jQuery, CSS, PostgreSQL, Java, .NET and C# Solid working experience with AJAX and jQuery building rich internet applications Knowledge of JUnit, JDocs, MXUnit Experience with J2EE Application Server management and clustering is a plus Experience with a variety of SDLC and source control systems Experience with object-oriented design and design patterns Knowledge of or experience with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) or related development tools is a plus Proven ability to work in a team setting A relentless self- learner who thrives in a highly dynamic environment

About Clear Capital:

We are Clear Capital, a Real Estate Valuation Data and Analytics Company, working hard to make people's lives better, everyday. With technology at our core, we've assembled a staff of bright people who thrive in an environment where ingenuity and innovation take center stage to create and develop the best tools in the industry. We are obsessed with setting standards for customer service and quality, and have an exceptional leadership team dedicated to making Clear Capital the best at everything we do.

We located our company headquarters near the beautiful Lake Tahoe area in the beautiful mountain town of Truckee CA for a specific reason. We are able to attract and hire very intelligent, passionate and friendly professionals that have decided to pursue a quality of life that includes world-class skiing/riding, beautiful alpine lakes, 300+ days of sunshine, no traffic, clean air and a sense of community you find in a small town. Truckee is consistently rated one of the top ski/mountain towns in the world by magazines like National Geographic Adventure, Men's Journal and Outside Magazine. Our campus is surrounded by stunning natural beauty including pine trees, ski slopes, alpine lakes, snow capped peaks, mountain trails and wildlife.

We employ passionate and adventurous souls who are talented artists, endurance runners and tri-athletes, Olympic skiers, mountain bikers, climbers, musicians, sports car enthusiasts and nature lovers. They all have one thing in common, they are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet who love the quality of life they derive from the Tahoe environment and they embody the Clear Capital philosophy, "Wherever it leads, whatever it takes."

Salary commensurate with experience.

Source: http://www.raymondcamden.com/index.cfm/2012/12/8/ColdFusion-Job-Opening--Clear-Capital

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Brides Against Breast Cancer - St. Louis News & Weather from

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) ? Ashley Ritter showed off some of the gowns featured in the Brides Against Breast Cancer Nationwide Tour. Designer gowns are sold at a discount and the proceeds support cancer patients.

Brides Against Breast Cancer Nationwide Tour of Gowns
Millenium Hotel
200 South 4th Street
Tonight, 5 ? 7pm
Saturday, 1am ? 6pm

Source: http://fox2now.com/2012/12/07/brides-against-breast-cancer/

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Saturday, December 8, 2012

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Sonoma County looks to boost renewable energy at homes, businesses

Published: Thursday, December 6, 2012 at 6:24 p.m.
Last Modified: Friday, December 7, 2012 at 7:26 a.m.

Sonoma County planners are considering whether to relax zoning rules, increase housing densities and reduce parking requirements as ways to encourage more renewable energy generation, such as solar and wind projects.

The options were outlined during a public hearing by the Sonoma County Planning Commission on Thursday, the first of two to be held.

"Everybody agrees that the more energy generation you create the better," said Jason Liles, planning commission chairman. "We are trying to make it easier for residences and businesses to create power."

One option would open up non-prime agriculture land to commercial development of facilities such as solar parks, but the intent is to protect prime agriculture land, scenic corridors and sensitive natural resources.

"We don't have the same commercial viability as deserts; I don't see us having the huge solar installations they have in the valley," deputy planning director Jennifer Barrett said.

Barrett, however, is proposing creation of special renewable energy zoning areas for commercial projects on agricultural and other lands that are near existing power infrastructure such as transmission lines or electrical substations.

Bill Smith of Healdsburg urged that agriculture be protected.

"We do need to be very careful about agriculture lands; it could have a devastating effect," he said.

Barrett also is recommending that developers of large-scale commercial energy projects pay sales taxes in Sonoma County for the machinery that is purchased, regardless of where it is bought.

On a recently approved project for a new plant in The Geysers, the tax has been estimated to be $1.2 million, she said.

The new proposals would allow unlimited solar power on any rooftop, whether it is a home, business, covered parking structure, barn or warehouse, as long as it is an allowed building that can hold the weight.

Liles said that creates a huge potential for generating electricity that can be used within the county, sold to PG&E or sold to a new Sonoma County power agency that is being considered by the Board of Supervisors.

Another proposal allows solar panels, wind turbines, biomass plants and other energy facilities that are mounted on the ground to be installed if they provide 125 percent of energy demand for that on-site use.

Also, the county is proposing to allow businesses to reduce the amount of parking required if they provide electric vehicle charging stations, showers and bicycle lockers.

Residential developers also would be allowed to increase housing densities for projects that include on-site renewable energy systems that provide power to meet a third of the demand.

The second public hearing will be at 1:05 p.m. Thursday at the county Permit and Resource Management Department. The proposals are expected to go to the Board of Supervisors early next year.

Source: http://www.pressdemocrat.com/article/20121206/articles/121209722

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Matt Brown ready for bout with Mike Swick, who never answered him on MySpace

When Matt Brown gets into the octagon with Mike Swick at UFC on Fox 5 on Saturday, he'll be facing a fighter he was a fan of. Brown told MMA Fighting's Ariel Helwani that after Swick appeared on first season of "The Ultimate Fighter," Brown sent him a message via the once-popular social network MySpace.

"He was the first fighter I really looked up to on 'The Ultimate Fighter 1.' I wrote him a message on MySpace, and I was real pissed when he never replied to my message. Was like, 'he's an [expletive.]"

He smiled at the idea that this slight serves as an incentive for him to win.

"That's my whole motivation for this camp. I didn't get a reply on My Space."

Brown appeared on the seventh season of "The Ultimate Fighter." He has put together an 8-5 record in the UFC since appearing on the reality show, and is riding a three-fight winning streak. Will Brown continue the streak this Saturday? Speak up in the comments, Twitter or on Facebook. (But not MySpace.)

Source: http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/mma-cagewriter/matt-brown-ready-bout-mike-swick-never-answered-143113632--mma.html

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Friday, December 7, 2012

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Stock Trading Ideas:JSW Steel,BOB and Hexaware

6 December 2012 530 views One Comment

Traders must be flexible about their opinions and change them when proven wrong but they must be rigid about their risk management and never risk more than planned.

JSW Steel

JSw Steel is near its trendline resistance 776, If stock is able to cross can see a breakout , Volumes should hold the key.

Buy above 780 Tgt 789,801 and 810

Sell below 767 Tgt 760,755 and 747


Bank of Baroda

Bank of Baroda is again near its trendline resistance of 789 with a negative divergence coming in RSI. Most of mid caps and Large cap Bank stocks are near there trenline resistance with negative divergence, so its time to be cautious. Do not get swayed away by positive sentiments created by Blue channels.

Buy above 789 Tgt 793,797 and 895

Sell below 781 Tgt 773,765 and 757



Hexaware has seen compression in Volatility with support coming at 108 odd levels and trendline resistance at 111. Big move is round the corner.Also note down the Huge negative divergence emerging.


Buy above 111 Tgt 111.8,112.9 and 114

Sell below 108 Tgt 107.3,106.5 and 105


All level mentioned are SPOT and keep a sl of 0.5-1% for Intraday trades,

Be rigid about your risk management and never risk more than planned.

Written by: Bramesh on December 6, 2012.

Source: http://www.brameshtechanalysis.com/2012/12/stock-future-trading/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=stock-future-trading

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The Other Side of Grief 12/07 by thegriefcoach | Blog Talk Radio

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    On his show, Comedian Rodney Perry covers arts and entertainment, everything from comedy and politics to music and acting, with his signature comedic slant.

  • MashUp Radio is a 30-minute podcast that discusses the fusion of technology, life, culture and science. Host Peter Biddle, engineer and executive for Intel?s Atom Software, dishes up a thought-provoking discussion.

  • Joy Keys provides her listeners with insight to improve their lives mentally, physically, monetarily and emotionally. Past guests on the show have included Meshell Nedegeocello, Blair Underwood, in addition to an impressive list of CEOs, humanitarians and authors.

  • Host Barry Moltz gets small businesses unstuck. He has founded and run small businesses with a great deal of success and failure for more than 15 years. This is a business radio show where he shares all the craziness of small business. It?s that craziness that actually makes it exciting, interesting and totally unpredictable.

  • The Bottom Line Sports Show is hosted by former NBA stars Penny Hardaway, Charles Oakley, Mateen Cleaves. Tune in to get the inside scoop on what's happening in sports today.

  • Deepak Chopra Radio provides an online forum for compelling and thought provoking conversations on success, love, sexuality and relationships, well-being and spirituality.

  • Hits Radio covers basketball, sports culture and entertainment with past guests including Jason Kidd, Robin Lundberg and Chris Herren.

  • Listeners get an earful on The Halli Casser-Jayne Show, Talk Radio for Fine Minds. Whether it?s the current political cocktail or the latest must-read award-winning book, Halli tackles all topics and likes to stir ? and sometimes shakes ? things up.

  • Award-winning World Footprints is a leading voice in socially responsible travel and lifestyle. Hosts Ian & Tonya celebrate culture and heritage and bring a unique voice to the world of travel.

  • Football Reporters Online is a group of veteran football experts in the fields of coaching, scouting, talent evaluation, and writing/broadcasting/media placement. Combined, the group brings well over 100 years of expertise in sports.

  • Host John Martin interviews the nation's leading entrepreneurs and small biz experts to educate small business owners on how to be successful. Past guests have included Emeril Lagasse and Guy Kawasaki.

  • The Movie Geeks share their passion for the art through interviews with the stars of and creative minds behind your favorite flicks and pay tribute to big-screen legends. From James Cameron and Francis Ford Coppola to Ellen Burstyn and Robert Duvall, The Geeks have got'em all.

  • Sylvia Global presents global conversations pertaining to women, wealth, business, faith and philanthropy. Sylvia has interviewed an eclectic mix from CEOs and musicians to fashion designers and philanthropists including Randolph Duke and Ne-Yo.

  • Seasoned entertainment reporter Robin Milling gets up close and personal with the world's most compelling celebs. From Michael Douglas to Katie Holmes to Kevin Kline to Ashley Judd to America Ferrera, she sits down in person each week with each and every A-lister.

  • Mr. Media host Bob Andelman goes one-on-one with the hottest, most influential minds from the worlds of film, TV, music, comedy, journalism and literature. That means A-listers like Kirk Douglas, Christian Slater, Kathy Ireland, Rick Fox, Chris Hansen and Jackie Collins.

  • Paula Begoun, best-selling author of Don't Go to the Cosmetics Counter Without Me, separates fact from fiction on achieving a radiant, youthful complexion at any age. She?s regularly joined by health and beauty experts who offer the latest on keeping your skin in tip-top shape.

  • Source: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/thegriefcoach/2012/12/07/the-other-side-of-grief

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